Discovery Clubz


Age: 1-3 

Your little learners will have an opportunity to be exposed to new skills, new experiences and new friends. There is a whole world waiting for your little learner to discover, 
let us guide your learner.

Discovering ABC'S & 123'S (July 4-8)

Learners will discover ABC’s and 123’s through  fun and entertaining games, puzzles, and other activities. This club will introduce your child to the wonders of letters, numbers, shapes, and colours. Get ready to sing, play, and dance as we get comfortable with our ABC’S and 123’s. 


Do you have a child that can’t stop singing, dancing,
or tapping their toes to the beat?
This is the club for you! Learners will be
introduced to songs, dances, music, and all things rhythm and fun. From learning choreographies to
building their very own instruments,
they will be discovering it all .


Do you have a child that loves to build? Do experiments? Mix potions? Or loves arts and craft? You’ve come to the right place!
Mini steam adventure explores science, technology, engineering, arts and maths in ways never seen before. Through live experiments,
hand-on-builds, reconstruction
and deconstruction, exploring creativity,
problem solving and so much more. .


Learners will discover animals and their habitats. Creating homes, and feeders for the animals in our backyard. They’ll also get to meet A.D.E academy pets, learn proper handling techniques, and care for them. 

Have a nature loving child? A child who loves animals? Or a nurturing little one? This is the club for them!